The paper contains information about hyperbaric oxygenation impact on humoral and cell components of immune-biological resistance of healthy rats. The following factors are analyzed: potency of oxygen-dependent enzyme systems (myeloperoxidase, oxidase), oxygen-independent systems (leukocyte lysozyme, cationic proteins), killing reactions of peripheral blood neutrophils, their phagocytic and oxidase reserve, complement activity and content of circulating immune complexes in the blood serum of healthy animals, which have been exposed to 60-minute sessions of hyperbaric oxygenation, over time from the 1st to the 30th day post hyperoxia period during experiment. A single session of hyperbaric oxygenation is carried out within 60 minutes (3 absolute atmospheres mode). Mechanisms of adaptation and pathological reactions formation by immune-biological surveillance system of healthy body in early and late post hyperoxia periods during experiment are considered. The paper shows that adaptive responses, which are designed to protect the body against aggressive action of oxygen under the influence of hyperbaric oxygenation, are formed in the bodies of healthy animals. The reactions of oxygen-dependent of phagocytes systems in conditions of hyperoxia manifested in the early stages of the research, persisting to the end of the observation and the reactions of oxygen independent - only at early stages. The humoral responses of healthy organism under hyperbaric oxygen are characterized by the change in complement activity and concentration of circulating immune complexes in blood serum. The received experimental data may be used as a theoretical explanation of indications for use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and different hyperbaric oxygenation regimes.
hyperbaric oxygenation, cationic proteins, lysozyme, myeloperoxidase, oxidase, pathologic immune complexes, complement
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