Russian Federation
GRNTI 16.41 Языки мира
OKSO 45.03.02 Лингвистика
BBK 81 Языкознание
TBK 84 Филологические науки
The timeliness of the article comes from the linguistic interest to studying the influence of extra linguistic factors on the language change, as well as researching new communication processes of contemporary communicative space of the English culture. Concept is presented as ideal character (prototype), that personifies the idea of the speaker conditioned in a civilized manner about the world. It is well-proven that Concept passes the qualified name in a language, id est can be investigated in a psychical and language plan. Thus well-organized combination of Concepts in consciousness of man presents its conceptual system, on forming of that the language picture of the world has influence simultaneously. The phraseological level of realization of Concept in a language is presented in the article. It is well-proven that vivid maintenance and deep semantics of phraseological word-combinations allow brightly to represent national attitude, as phraseological units represent folk traditions, history, ethic norms, supervisions above the surrounding world.
English, concept, sphere of concepts, lingua-cognitive, cultural linguistics, monarchy.
1. Kubryakova E.S. Koncept [Tekst] / E.S. Kubryakova // Kratkiy slovar' kognitivnyh terminov / E.S. Kubryakova, V.Z. Dem'yankov, Yu.G. Pankrac, L.G. Luzina; pod obsch. red. E.S. Kubryakovoy. - M.: Mosk. gos. un-t, 1996. - S. 90.
2. Hari Johann. “God Save the Queen”. Icon Books, London, 2002. 246 p.
3. Townsend Sue. “The Queen and I”. Arrow Books Limited, London, 1999. 313 p.
4. The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain (edited by Kenneth O. Morgan). Oxford N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1996.
5. The Merry Go Round. A collection of Rhymes and Poems, (chosen by James Reeves). Penguin Books, 1967.