Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Experimental evaluation of β-carotene correction of radiation induced by single acute γ-irradiation of spermatogenesis disorders in male (♂) F1 CBAxC97Bl mice and non-linear rats with short-term carotenoid prescription. Material and methods: Single external gamma irradiation ♂ was performed at the IGUR facility (137Cs, dose rate 0.029 Gy/s). The β-carotene suspension was administered ♂ orally 19 and 4 hours before, 4 and 24 hours after irradiation. The damage and effectiveness of protection of spermatogenesis of irradiated ♂ were judged by the state of their reproductive function. Results: The effects of correction of the short-term prescription of β-carotene radiation-induced by a single acute external gamma irradiation at doses of 3 and 5 Gy of spermatogenesis disorders in mice and rats at stages of mature spermatozoa, spermatids and spermatogonium have been established. β-carotene in ♂ mice reduced total embryonic mortality in 8–14 and 77–84 days after irradiation at a dose of 3 Gy from 46 to 36 and from 41 to 28 %, preimplantation – after 8–14 and 15–21 days – from 24 up to 13 and from 31 to 22 %, postimplantation – after 0–7 and 77–84 days – from 24 to 15 and from 25 to 7 %. In ♂ rats 0–7 days after irradiation at a dose of 5 Gy β-carotene reduced total, pre-, post- and induced postimplantation embryonic mortality from 62 to 41, from 34 to 17, from 41 to 30 and from 38 to 26 %, respectively. After 13–20 days – preimplantation mortality from 27 to 11 %. At the stage of spermatozoa after irradiation at a dose of 3 Gy increased the breeding efficiency from 70 to 100 %, fecundity – by 23–31 %; reduced total and preimplantation mortality from 49 to 39 % and from 41 to 27 %, respectively. At the stage of spermatids –sterilization was prevented and the efficiency of breeding was normalized, reduced post- and induced postimplantation mortality from 25 to 20 and from 17 to 12 %, respectively. The therapeutic and prophylactic effects of β-carotene at the spermatocyte stage are not revealed. In the spermatogonium stage, the carotenoid increased the total number and number of live embryos in pregnant female (♀) from 36 to 55 and from 20 to 50 %, reduced total and pre-implantation mortality from 81 to 56 and from 69 to 42 %, respectively. Conclusions: The prospects of β-carotene use for correction of gonadal radiation injuries in the risk groups of exposure to ionizing radiation and the inclusion of β-carotene in the scheme of drug prevention of acute radiation injuries of spermatogenesis are shown.

external acute γ-irradiation, spermatogenesis, β-carotene, short-term prescription, mice, rats

Радиационное загрязнение среды оказывает негативное влияние на состояние репродуктивной функции человека, домашних и диких млекопитающих животных, вызывая различные формы нарушения сперматогенеза [1]. Высокая чувствительность гонад к воздействию ионизирующих излучений и важность вклада их поражений в комплекс радиационных синдромов у человека обуславливает актуальность профилактики радиационных нарушений (поражений) репродуктивной функции организма. Для защиты гонад от поражающего действия ионизирующего облучения экспериментально апробированы известные радиопротекторы (меркамин, цистамин, мексамин, индралин), применяемые для защиты организма в условиях острого общего облучения от внешних источников [2–6]. Ограничения использования радиопротекторов в качестве радиозащитных средств при поражении гонад обусловлены эмбриотоксическими эффектами [7].


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