Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of 25-old activity of the head agency of the Service for Disaster Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation – All Russian Centre for Disaster Medicine «Zaschita» (ARCDM «Zaschita») of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the sphere of medical support of population in case of radiation accidents. The Service is a functional subsystem of the Unified State system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, intended for elimination of medical and sanitary consequences of emergency situation. In Russia, it is legally established that in case of radiation accident the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia (the FMBA of Russia) is responsible for radiation safety of the population living in the NPP surveillance zone (approximately 25 km). Responsibility for the radiation safety of the rest of the population living outside the surveillance zone is assigned to the Service for disaster medicine. In accordance with the current document “Model content of the protection plan of the population in case of an accident at the radiation facility” developed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, mandatory protective measures are provided in the territory that radius is 25 km around the radiation object (planning zones of preventive and emergency measures). Early planning in the restrictive planning zone is not envisaged, and protective measures outside the 100-kilometer zone are considered inappropriate. The article presents the concept developed by the specialists of ARCDM «Zaschita» for drafting protection of the subjects of the Russian Federation for the nuclear power plants operating on the territory of Russia. The concept is based on experience of consequences of the Chernobyl NPP accident. The concept argues that the outer boundary of the planning area for protective measures around nuclear power plants should have an outer radius of 1000 km. Radius of the emergency planning area is 100 km. The problems of preparedness for radiation safety of population support in case of radiation accidents are discussed. They are: the need for elaboration of regulatory and normative documents of the federal level on obligatory advance planning of protective measures against the possibility of radiation accidents on radiation-hazardous objects from the nuclear power plants on the territory of Russia for the population, not supervised by the FMBA of Russia (living both in the observation zone and abroad) and regulating the need and procedure of planning, organization and carrying out in case of necessity iodine prophylaxis for the population on territories up to 1000 km from operating NPPs of Russia. Same approaches to the solution of the considered problems are suggested.

NPP of Russia, radiation accidents, iodine prophylaxis, Service for Disaster Medicine

Расширяющееся внедрение источников ионизирующих излучений в промышленность, медицину и научные исследования, наличие на вооружении армий ядерного оружия увеличивают число людей, которые могут подвергнуться радиационному воздействию. Несмотря на достаточно совершенные технические системы по обеспечению радиационной безопасности персонала предприятий, разработанные в последние годы, сохраняется определенная вероятность крупномасштабных радиационных аварий (РА). Такие аварии возможны на стационарных радиационно-опасных объектах (АЭС, заводах по переработке ядерного топлива, хранилищах радиоактивных отходов, военных ядерных объектах и др.). Возможны также транспортные РА, локальные аварии, связанные с хищением и утерей приборов с радионуклидными источниками. Остается опасность использования радиоактивных веществ в террористических целях.


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