A promising approach for objectification of the results of research is experimental simulation of conditions of influence of radiation factors, with the subsequent processing of data using new computer technologies and programs, statistical and mathematical analysis. Experiment was made on laboratory white rats males (351 individuals) in the conditions of single and fractioned γ - radiations in doses 5, 10, 25, 50 mZv with a power of 50 sGr / h The objects of study are the thyroid gland and beam zone adrenal cortex. The criterias of morphological and functional state of peripheral endocrine glands are estimated after 12, 18, 24 months of exposition of the specified doses γ- radiations by means of complex of general histological, special, histochemical, statistical methods and mathematical modeling of the influence parameters. Modeling of experimental conditions the radiation damage under γ-irradiation in the range of doses allowed to conducting morphological and statistical analysis of remote consequences of exposure and to reveal data about the causality of interaction of the thyroid gland and beam zone adrenal cortex, with the increasing correlation in prolongation of post timing observations. This shows the increase in direct proportion to the effect of defeat on the background of the formation of neoplasms of the thyroid gland.
thyroid gland, beam zone adrenal cortex, γ-irradiation, pair and multiple correlation analysis
Оценка радиобиологических и клинических эффектов малых доз γ-облучения и прогностическая оценка отдаленных медико-генетических последствий продолжают оставаться значимыми проблемами радиобиологии и радиационной медицины, что усматривает уточнение и более глубокого выявления статуса неспецифической резистентности живых организмов. В современных условиях проведение адекватной ста-
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