Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper presents the discussion about the viability of alternative therapies, as well as the possibilities of its application. It is emphasized that some researchers refer warily to alternative therapies, but most publications are in solidarity with regards to its positive aspects and expediency of application. The authors have studied the scientific literature, and based on its own information, concluded that the alternative therapy doesn´t opposed to the official medicine, moreover, the alternative therapy contributes as an additional strategy, to improving the effectiveness of the influence on the patient treated by means of the standard methods of prevention and treatment of acute and chronic pathology, of human cancers. Alternative therapy gives hope, the patients live psychologically motivated expectation of arrival of the long-awaited, if not health in the biological sense of this word, at least positive clinical effect, long-term remission, improved quality of life. Based on the study of the scientific literature and own data, devoted to the clinical, pathophysiological and experimental studies with the use of the sulfide mineral water, chronophototherapy by the Siberian ginseng, the phy-toveta, the adaptogenic phytococtails "Biorhythm-PC" as a means of alternative therapy, the positive results were received, showing their high efficiency. From the viewpoint of the authors, alternative medicine as part of regenerative medicine should still be regarded as an effective structural and functional element of reparative biogenesis.

alternative therapy, prevention and treatment, efficiency

Многовековой опыт практической медицины основывался на знаниях о влиянии лекарственных средств на ключевые звенья патогенеза жизнеугрожающих патологических процессов и нозологических форм, что является определяющей мотивацией поиска и внедрения в практическое здравоохранение новых, наиболее эффективных и безвредных лекарственных средств.


Аальтернативная терапия включает совокупность мероприятий терапевтического воздействия, регламентированных лечебно-профилактическими государственными учреждениями. В большинстве штатов Америки и некоторых странах западной Европы, эти вопросы решаются Управлением по контролю качества


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