Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Nowadays, when all perspective companies set the goal to reduce process costs, achieve high profitability from invested means, reduce harmful influence on the environment, innovative engineering solutions begin to dominate, the meaning of these solutions is in achievement of the above-stated goals. In this work we examined the reduction of operating costs at the retail establishments (service stations) of LLC “Tatneft”. The reduction of operating costs is examined on the example of reduction of electric power payment, the cost of which is constantly increasing. The engineering solution is the installation at some service stations wind generators for energy production. Wind generator is a device, transforming mechanical energy, received from the blades rotation, into electrical by means of natural wind. The main aim of the work - a reduction of operating costs at service stations and electric power independence of service stations. The object of research in this paper is the factor system, that provides maximum electric power production by the wind generator and the subject of research is the process of interaction of generator elements with the wind. The work presents results of experimental investigations, which prove the possibility of wind generator installation at some service stations. The experimental part was made up, using programme set of National Instruments LabVIEW, that allows to fulfil data collection and processing and also the automation of measurements under different experiments. It was justified by the possible usage of the wind generator at service station №227 along highway M7, Tuyrlema station, Kozlovskiy district, the Chuvash Republic, the Chuvash branch of LLC “Tatneft – AZS Center” and service station №391, highway M7, Andreevo-Bazary village, Kozlovskiy district, the Chuvash Republic, the Chuvash branch of LLC “Tatneft – AZS Center”. The economic calculation part is realized by a concrete example of a possible product application of the National Instruments LABVIEW Company in a body with wind generator EuroWind 20 on the service station №227 on Tuyrlema station, that belongs to Chuvashian branch of LLC “Tatneft – AZS Center”. Wind generator - is part of “green” image of retail establishments of the company, gives the opportunity to increase clients base, as it demonstrates the preference of high innovation techniques with care of ecological safety.

service station, gas stations, electricity, wind generator.

Основная камера протравливания пневмомеханического протравливателя представляет собой вертикально установленную трубу, внутри которой соосно размещается труба меньшего диаметра. Они соединяются между собой двумя косыми винтовыми поверхностями, образующими винтовой канал [1, 2, 3].

Семена и мелкодисперсные частицы рабочей жидкости после предварительной камеры протравливания попадают в основную камеру протравливания. Здесь семена перемещаются под воздействием воздушного  потока, создаваемого вентилятором. При движении семян по винтовой рабочей поверхности семена обволакиваются рабочей жидкостью и их влажность повышается. Это снижает скорость семян и может привести к образованию заторов и снижению качества протравливания.

Поэтому разработка математической модели, описывающей скорость движения семян в основной камере пневмомеханического протравливателя является важной задачей. Решение данной задачи позволит теоретически обосновать конструктивные параметры основной камеры протравливания пневмомеханического протравливателя семян.




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