Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the structure of Karachay-Cherkess Republic’s production emissions prevail solid matters, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, white damps. These categories of pollutants are the most significant in negative impact both on environment and on human health. The carried-out assessment of atmospheric air’s impurity degree on complex indexes revealed excess of concentrations as follows: ammonia and formaldehyde in Ust-Dzhegutinsky district by a factor of 1.1 and 1.3 MAC respectively; ammonia in Prikubansky district by a factor of 1.2 MAC; formaldehyde in Malokarachayevsky district by a factor of 1.1 MAC. The complex index of atmosphere pollution in the republic territory has reached maximal values in Ust-Dzhegutinsky district where increased level of air environment pollution is created. In other republic districts this index has lower values which are not causing essential violations in the air environment’s common chemical background. Information transfer visualization with application of Geoinformational technologies has allowed pass from traditional use of cards only as information accumulation means to application of geographic information systems as tools for complex analysis, reconstruction and forecasting of development for separate phenomena, territories, geo-systems.

air environment, polluters, toxic emissions, suspended matters, simulation, emission limit values, maximum allowable concentration (MAC).

1. Введение
Проблема загрязнения воздушного пространства — одна из трудноразрешимых и актуальных проблем современности.


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