Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the last 20 years in the Russian society and in the government there are discussions on the need to "get off the oil needle." The situation in the Russian economy dictates measures to further diversify exports, based on the export of "high technology". This article describes the history of the company, which for the past two decades has survived in a very difficult situation and, practically without the help of the state, has found new partners who want to order the construction of nuclear power plants in their country. It must be borne in mind that when building a nuclear power plant abroad, a basis is created for long-term economic cooperation between Russia and other countries, which makes it possible to implement with high efficiency a large volume of related services, such as: • transfer of licenses and know-how, design and survey works, supply of complete equipment and spare parts, engineering consulting services; • provides employment of the population within the country (about 300 enterprises and tens of thousands of employees participate in the NPP project abroad as subcontractors); • increases the availability of regional budgets; • increases globally the competitiveness of Russian equipment in particular and Russian high technologies in general.

tomenergoexport, nuclear power, nuclear power plants, the USSR, modernization, cooperation, potential.

История развития международного сотрудничества в области атомной энергетики началась в 1955—1956 гг., когда бывший СССР подписал первые двухсторонние соглашения с рядом стран об оказании им научно-технической помощи в создании научных ядерных центров.


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