Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The dominant paradigm of strategic marketing is increasingly becoming the object of criticism and stimulates alternative approaches to selection or creation of the reference strategy. First of all, it is connected with the development of the resource concept of competitive advantages of enterprises and the new dominant logic of marketing, in which offers an innovative paradigm for managing development of business entities and promoting their products to target markets. The methodical approach for marketing strategy of a company formation, a concept of innovation potential of the company that distinguishes from the known fact that reflects not just the availability of the necessary resources for the implementation of innovation, and indicates the ability either to generate different types of innovation within the enterprise, or to borrow them from the outside is set out in this article. The reference to types of innovation is the author’s proposal; an advanced algorithm of marketing strategy formation, the author’s matrix of choice for marketing strategies and methods of evaluation of innovative potential of the enterprise as the basis of strategy selection is the part of it.

marketing strategy, innovative potential, stages of innovative potential development, assessment of enterprise’s innovative potential, algorithm to develop a marketing strategy.

Стратегическое планирование и управление субъектами бизнеса и сегодня во времена перманентно возникающих кризисов является необходимым этапом в управлении.


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