Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Despite the distance that separates the Russian Federation of Colombia, the differences in the size of the surface, in the size of the population, in the language, in the social, cultural, political and economic evolution, these two nations maintain strong similarities in economic performance in recent years, moreover, agree favorable expectations of expansion in the short term, this in a context of uncertainty about the dynamic of recovery in the United States and the persistent crisis in the Euro zone. Other matches are presented in the challenges they have to face to continue in the right direction of convergence towards developed economies, this performance has been well received by economic agents who have found in these two countries, interesting destinations for investment and strengthen trade relations.

similarity of economy, development prospects, investments, tradedevelopment.


According to the World Fact Book of CIA (Chart 1), the Russian Federation is the most extensive country, with an area that goes over 17 millions of square kilometers and that represent near 15 times the size of Colombia. In Russia is near the 2% of the total of the worldwide population, the index of Colombia gets to the 0.6% of the total.

Chart 1. General data, Russian Federation and Colombia

General Data
  Russian Federation Colombia
Capital Moscow Bogota
Area 17,098,242 Km2 1,138,910 Km2
Population 142,500,482* 45,745,783*
Population Density 8.33 People/Km2* 40.16 People/Km2
Currency Ruble Peso

* 2013.

Source: CIA, The World Fact Book, August 2013

The Russian Federation and Colombia registered a growing rate in 2012 of 3.4 % and 4 % respectively, variations very superior to the ones that were presented by the principal economies of the world: The United States (2.2%), Germany (0.7%), France (0.0%) and Japan (2.1%). These figures, in a way, confirm the strategic position that has been recognized to these nations, Russia and Colombia, among the emerging group.

Due to this reason, it is of great interest to look at the general economic behavior of both nations in the last years. This way the most relevant results are presented during the decade of 1990-2000 and a forecast of short term. According to the most current results, the importance of the decade of the 90s, came from that both the Russian Federation and Colombia, it was initiated with a transformation process, and it was finished with highly similar characteristics even though of very different starting points.

In the decade of 2000, both nations went through a growing sustainable process, that was interrupted between 2008 and 2009, as a consequence of the spread of the financial crisis that was originated in The United States, even though there were seen more serious damages in Russia than Colombia, this due to a more solid and financial system in the south American nation, leaving the evidence of the implementation of appropriate measures in this sector, from the 1999 crisis.

The expectations of growth during the period 2013-2015, indicate that Russia and Colombia, are going to be on the favorable path of the recent years, this among the uncertainty that still surrounds the economic word wide recovery. Therefore, it is very important to present and track this short term forecasts, that in case to be accomplished, almost make mandatory more detail study, to extract the lesson of economic policy that both countries would be presenting.


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