Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The point of issue of the paper is the concept sacrifice as a part of speech activity that is pertain to the archaic sacrificial ritual. The work aims a fullscale reconstruction of the concept represented in the ritual discourse in its heyday. The paper studies the concept in conjunction of its notional, emotive, visual and value-referred components. The author appeals to the data of the monuments embodied the texts of the Mythopoetic Epoch. The research approach is in a special study of such texts that makes it possible to reconstruct the ritual discourse in terms of communicative strategies in the pragmatic aspect. The main results of the research are identification and description of the position, use and signification of the concept sacrifice in the ritual discourse of the Mythopoetic Epoch. One of the main conclusions is the declaring irrelevance of an appeal to the concept beyond of the discourse. In terms of the academic novelty, the results of the research are not only an endeavor to identify the position of the concept in the worldview but also to submit it in the aspect of Communication Studies and Linguistic Pragmatics.

concept, discourse, communication, ritual, sacrifice, the Mythopoetic Epoch.

Мифопоэтическая картина мира, основанная на мифе как особом типе мышления и познания, а также ритуале как наиболее авторитетном источнике знаний человеческих сообществ о реальности, хронологически соотносима с периодом, предварявшим возникновение древних цивилизаций Ближнего Востока, Средиземноморья, Индии и Китая.


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