Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
In this article we consider the questions of the Russian-Latin American relations in Saint-Petersburg and the Northwestern Federal District of Russia in the scientific, educational, cultural and business field. We analyzed the work of the Scientific and Educational Center for cooperation with Latin America countries at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics in five years, what could show us positive dynamics in the Russian-Latin American relations. As a result of a research the thesis that the strengthened relations between Russia and Latin America in the Northwestern Federal District are a predictor for successful scientific, educational, cultural and business cooperation is confirmed.
Russian-Latin American relations, Scientific and Educational Center, Northwestern Federal District, SPbSUE, scientific, educational, cultural and business cooperation.
В современном мире глобализации, интеграции в мировое пространство международные связи в сфере науки, образования, культуры и предпринимательства воспринимаются как важнейший фактор имиджевой политики страны и региона.
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