Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the research is increase the concentration of energy in the dry matter of cows diets with a productivity of 7-8 thousand kg of milk per year in the first third of lactation with the use of dry palm fats prepared by various technologies. In the experiment carried out on three groups of Holstein dams cows of Black-Motley Breed with the productivity of about 7.500 kg of milk per year for 9 cows each, it was found that the inclusion of dry palm fat (II experimental group – 300 g of fractionated fat with a predominance of saturated fatty acids and III experimental group – 368 g of fat in the form of calcium salt) in the composition of the rations of cows experimental groups with the aim of balancing the metabolizable energy content to the level of crude fat in an amount of 5% of the dry matter, has no adverse effect on dry matter intake of the ration, the digestibility of nutrients of feed and the use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. The result of balancing the ration of cows of the experimental groups the concentration of metabolizable energy in dry matter from 10.3 MJ/kg in the control to 10.7 MJ/kg in the experimental groups, the increase in cow milk yield, standard (4%) fat content for 100 days of lactation was 8.8% (P≤0.05) and 7.6% increase in the yield of milk fat and protein. Feed costs per 1 kg of milk of cows of experimental groups, expressed in exchange energy, were below control by 3.7 and 2.6%, respectively. According to the results of biochemical blood tests, against the background of the tendency of increasing the intensity of nitrogenic and lipid metabolism, a significant decrease in the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood of cows of experimental groups was found. Feeding by dry palm fats in tested quantities does not reduce the reproductive function of cows and is economically justified.

feeding, concentration, energy, productivity, exchange, dairy, reproductive, palm
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