The article contains the main aspects of innovative development and use of the country's forest resources, the relevance of the ongoing research is grounded in the fact that the forest needs to be used most fully, since its restoration is a long process. The aim of the study is to develop a methodological base based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of innovations in the timber industry complex of Russia, as well as proposals for adjusting the methods of economic damage to the country's forest resources. The research uses methods of analysis and synthesis of statistical data on the use of forest resources in Russia and abroad, as well as economic aspects of nature management, which is the methodology of the study. Proposals for adjusting the methodology for calculating economic losses make a significant contribution to the development of monetary valuation of forest use and allow the most accurate future forecasting of forest marketing opportunities at the regional level. The innovative activity of forest technology parks and modern experience allow developing and implementing this direction of economic development throughout Russia. The author has suggested a methodology for assessing innovation activities in the forest management of the Urals, that to develop an integrated approach to innovation, and the full use of the resource potential, the method is simple and accurate in use. The research has both scientific novelty and practical significance and perspectives for further introduction of the technology parks and industrial complexes of the regions into practice. The results of the research have showed that the Ural Techno park is a positive example of innovative development, although it has average values of developmental ranges. The most valuable and expensive recoverable species are birch and spruce, and it is for them that the greatest damage is done in the investigated range, and the proposed damage calculation procedure allows you to adjust the monetary estimates in comparison with the often used methods . The use of the resource potential of the Urals is complete and comprehensive
forestry industry complex, innovative activity, economic damage due to deforestation, economic evaluation of innovations.
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