Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To date, the improvement of forest machines is aimed at increasing productivity using modern information sys-tems. The most complex operation in logging, which requires the experience and skill of the operator, is the manipulator control when gripper-cutting device is pointed to a tree. At "hard" capture of the tree as a result of inaccurate pointing of the manipulator, the sawed tree growing around the undergrowth is damaged, expensive equipment is damaged, there is a risk of tree falling in the undetermined direction, saw mechanism is destroyed. Also the time for pointing the manipulator and capture the tree increases, which significantly reduces the productivity of work. With constant concentration on a complex operation, the operator quickly becomes fatigued, which reduces his/her efficiency and attention. Not precise guidance of the manipulator and "hard" capture of the tree occurs quite often and can happen even with an experienced operator. The operations are performed by one algorithm, which means that they can be automated. In order to eliminate the above-mentioned shortcomings, a system of automatic guidance of gripper-cutting device on a tree and its gripping is proposed. It consists, apart from both technological equipment of the machine itself, a computer with a logging machine control system, two distance sensors, and touch sensor. The distance sensors are installed on the pick-up device and determine the location of the tree. The information from the sensors is fed to the computer of the forest machine, which controls the operating mechanisms of the manipulator of the forest machine. Controlled by the machine control system, actuators of hydromanipulator guide the gripper-cutting device onto the tree. The touch sensor is mounted on the body of the gripping device. When you touch the tree with the sensor, the tree is captured. With such an implementation, the accuracy and speed of guiding the cutting device onto the tree is increased, which leads to a reduction in operator fatigue, increased productivity of the forest machine, reduction of damage to trees and gripping device due to the partial automation of the process of guiding the cutting device on the tree and its capture

logging machine, gripper, operator, automation, robotics, manipulator, control system, tree gripping, productivity increase, operator fatigue
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