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Abstract (English):
Suburban recreational forests of the city of Voronezh have medium-forming, water-protective, protective, aes-thetic, recreational value. As a result of increasing recreational loads, there are noticeable changes in natural complexes, their condition worsens and productivity decreases. The purpose of the study is to determine the vital state of trees in artificial pine plantations of various stages of digression by the phenotypic features of the trunk and crown and the development of methods for their diagnosis. In carrying out the studies, standard methods of forest inventory have been used with the corresponding cameral treatment. An algorithm is proposed to regulate the research. Detailed data are provided for each stage of work. With deterioration in the sanitary condition of the plantations, a significant decrease in the number of healthy trees has been revealed. The data of the revealed external signs of pathology in Scots pine in the studied stands are reflected. The most common anomaly in the 63-year-old stands of different stages of digression is the curvature of the trunks. Their number regularly increases from 15% in I stage to 63% in the V stage. Mechanical damage to the trunk (from 7% to 37%)are in the second place in the occurrence of I - IV stages of digression in plantations, stem rot (48%) - in the V stage. Such defects as taring and stem rot have the least spread in plantations of I-III stages of digression. The basis of natural regeneration in 63 years old forest cultures of Pinus sylvestris is pine single and group undergrowth of different ages. Indicators of the life condition of trees in conditions of recreational impact are: the shape of the trunk, the presence of multiversity, density and architectonics of the crown, the degree of drying, angle of the branch from the trunk in the lower, middle and upper parts of the crown. Scale for determining the viability of trees by phenotypic characteristics has been proposed. Measures were taken to restore disturbed stands using highly viable species and selected individuals.

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.), vital condition of trees, pathological signs, components of biogeocenosis, phenotypic signs, stage of digression
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