Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Given the high value of Juglans nuts, the increase in their production should not only be due to the identification and breeding of the best forms, but also by shifting the established border of cultivation to the North. In this regard, the main purpose of the work is to study and analyze the adaptive characteristics of plants in winter. The paper considers garden, park and field protection plantations, plantations, landscape groups and stand-alone trees of Juglans family nuts on adaptive signs of frost resistance and frost stability, as well as the most stable forms, which should form the basis of the breeding fund. Comparison of resistance of the genus Juglans to the various factors of ethnology gives the following results: decreasing resistance to low negative temperatures, plants can be placed as J. cenerea, J. manshurica, J. nigra, J. cordiformis, J. regia.
trees Juglans species, introduction, selection, frost resistance, frost stability, cold resistance
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