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Abstract (English):
Information on the genetic structure of populations of forest tree plants is the basis for assessing the genetic po-tential of the species. These studies are particularly relevant for economically valuable species and species occupying extensive areas, like larch. Accurate information about the genetic structure of populations, the level of their genetic variability, the nature of its distribution within the range allows us to designate measures aimed at preserving the genet-ic resources of the species for the use in the country's economy and reproduction. During the analysis of electrophoretic spectra of the products of amplification of six nuclear microsatellite loci 42 allelic variants have been identified. An estimation of the genetic polymorphism of the population structure of forest plantations of Sukachev’s larch from the seeds of the Sverdlovsk region by microsatellite analysis for 6 pairs of pri-mers is given.

molecular and genetic methods, Sukachev's larch, observed number of alleles, effective number of alleles
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