Open joint-stock company “Gazprom” (IT department, leading developer)
Novardis Consulting LLC (Consultant of SAP Project)
Dolgoprudnyy, Moscow, Russian Federation
In this paper an integrated approach to a problem related to minimization of gas supplier’s reputation losses connected with accidents on a gas pipeline and disruption of gas delivery to a consumer with the help of smart contracts is stated. Nowadays analysts and methodologists of pipeline companies perform assessment of expected and actual material expenses at an accident on GTS objects. Account and analytics of reputation losses either isn’t conducted in all, or is implemented in the frame of separate business processes which aren’t integrated into processes of enterprise budget’s management and planning. Such situation is disconcertingly. In the era of globalization the cost of a company and its business reputation depends significantly on the attitude towards it in society. In Europe and USA the major oil and gas companies invest huge money in increasing of their positive image in the eyes of population. Any significant accident which has happened in unforeseen time and unsuccessful place can completely destroy reputation of any company. Modern corporate IT-decisions allow unite a number of data flows in the uniform analytical module now. Information collected in such modules in Gazprom PJSC helps to solve optimizing problems both within planning of material inputs, and within accounting of reputation expenses. In this work a theoretical model for assessment of reputation losses at an accident on a linear part of a gas transmission system (GTS) of Gazprom PJSC is given. Modern theoretical models for definition of function of supplier’s reputation losses have been used. The review of possible application for SAP decisions and Blockchain technology in current business processes of Gazprom JSC in the frame of the problem solution is given. For a clear understanding how to integrate this decision into existing business processes the graphic description of the decision work scheme is given. The principles of this approach can be applied not only in working processes of Gazprom PJSC, but also adapted according to other pipeline companies’ needs. Possible fast introduction of cryptoruble in Russia can offer new prospects for mass introduction of this tool in the context of smart contracts.
gas transportation system, accident risk, bounded rationality, utility function with dependence on reference point, reputation damage, SAP, Blockchain.
1. Введение
На данный момент перед российскими производителями природного газа стоит сложная задача по выполнению плана газификации регионов и снабжению всех потребителей природного газа в желаемом объеме и установленные сроки.
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