Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It has been shown as a combination of theoretical positions for technogenic safety’s systemology and modern information technologies’ capabilities can help prevent dangerous technogenic impacts. Have been revealed systemological method’s main terms and concepts needed to investigate the problem of technogenic safety. Have been presented descriptions of an overhead power line as a collection of complex technogenic system and technogenic impacts created by this system’s components. Has been given the general characteristics of the «Diagnostics +» software complex for the electrical equipment’s status assessment based on processing of current information’s large volumes. Have been provided examples for representation of overhead power lines in the program complex, and types of their tests in accordance with the directive documents. It has been stated that equipment status prediction aids prevent an occurrence of dangerous technogenic impacts that may accompany the operation of overhead power lines.

technogenic system, dangerous technogenic impacts, overhead power lines, software complex, equipment status, prevention of dangers.

1. Введение.
В целом в стране Ростехнадзору поднадзорны более 4,6 млн км линий электропередачи [1].


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