Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper has been presented a system model for environmental and economic activities of the regions’ road-transport complex, supplemented by a model for the impact of fuel filling stations on the state of the natural environment. Has been carried out an information and technological substantiation for the system of petrol stations’ ecological safety on balance models. The research is based on methods of system analysis, theory of differential equations and computer modeling. In the process of solution of theoretical problems and data processing were applied information technology methods based on the CurveExpert and MathCad application programs. As a result it has been established that equations for the state of the region’s road-transport complex, compiled according to the structural scheme, include equations of rates and levels, and are a system of difference equations. In general it has been revealed that the rate of pollutants emissions into the atmosphere depends not only on the number of fuel filling stations, but also on the average annual temperature.

natural environment, atmosphere, pollutants, oil products, fuel filling station.

1. Введение
Особенности развития автодорожного комплекса приводят к увеличению масштабов его воздействия на придорожную территорию, что повышает ответственность автотранспортных предприятий за проведение эффективных природоохранных мероприятий, необходимых для снижения негативного техногенного воздействия на окружающую среду и для рационального расходования природных ресурсов.


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