Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper has been analyzed a dynamics related to number of motor transport and industrial enterprises’ stationary sources of atmospheric pollution, has been presented a change of pollutants gross emissions in the atmospheric air, have been revealed primary branches and industrial facilities with the greatest emissions of pollutants in the Irkutsk region territory. Calculations for absolute concentration of pollutants coming to the atmospheric air from industrial enterprises’ stationary sources of pollution, as well as from the motor transport have been carried out by the standardized technique. As a result of calculations has been revealed an exceeding of average daily maximum allowable concentrations on such substances as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, soot, inorganic dust with the content of silicon equal to 20–70%. The maximum rated concentrations from stationary sources of pollutants have exceeded the specified standards’ values by a factor of 20, from vehicles — by a factor of 3,5. For the purpose of received results’ visualization have been constructed schematic maps of isolines for rated concentration of pollutants.

atmosphere pollution, motor transport, industry, pollutants, maximum allowable concentrations.

1. Введение
Главной экологической проблемой крупных городов Иркутской области является загрязнение воздушного бассейна выбросами стационарных источников промышленных предприятий и автотранспорта.


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