Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the axiological concept of upbringing of the moral component of the basic culture of the individual in the system of general education on the basis of the dynamic model of the personal value system that develops in ontogeny. The axiological potential of the content of general education, aimed at the development of the basic culture of the individual, is revealed. The value approach to the development of a program for the upbringing of the moral culture of students in the general education school is grounded. The method of realization of methods of upbringing in the language and style of pedagogical communication aimed at transferring the values of moral culture to the pupil is revealed. The prospects of practical application of the stated conceptual approaches to the development of modern pedagogical science are determined.

upbringing, basic culture of personality, value, value system, axiology, moral culture, content of general education, upbringing program, pedagogical communication.

В настоящее время особо актуально стоит проблема нравственного воспитания детей и молодежи.


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