Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Such type of ecological tourism as agrotourism actively develops in Russia nowadays. Article is devoted to research of forms and objects of agrotourism in Tula region. The article may be useful for the formation of the registry of tourist resources in agrotourism, development of tourism products that meet the specific destination and promote it, to raise public awareness about the current proposals in this area, to create an electronic database of business projects and investment proposals of the entrepreneurs in the agrotourism sector. The article consideres basic principles and signs of agrotourism, its difference from other types on character of expenses, investments, means of placement of tourists. The authors give main features of the organization and target audience for each form, and describe the list of the agrotourist objects realizing these forms. All examples given in article testify that in Tula region there are necessary resources for development of all types of agrotourism, demand on which constantly increases. The operating farms, along with a primary activity, successfully develop the tourist direction. Basic foreign models of the organization of agrotourism are given and the models which found application at the regional level are considered. The con- clusion is drawn that the greatest distribution in Tula region was gained by the enterprises on the basis of small family business. The article considers the most popular routes of agrotourism offered in the project "Force of country", including visiting farms, the unique museums, specialized restaurants, the organization of master classes in production of environmentally friendly production, accommodation in cozy hotels in the country. The analysis of information maintenance of objects of the agrotourism in the territory of Tula region which is the major aspect in marketing strategy of advance of the region is carried out. The exposed shortcomings of information maintenance of objects of agrotourism are the serious, but quite fixed problem. The authors analyze the information support of agrotourism objects in Tula region, which is the most important aspect in the marketing strategy of the region promotion. The revealed shortcomings in information support of agrotourism objects are a serious, but quite disposable problem. The government of Tula region plays an important role in development of agrotourism, giving full support to small forms of managing in agrarian sector.
ecological tourism, agritourism, forms and models of the agritourism organization, information maintenance of objects of agritourism
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