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Abstract (English):
Sphere of tourism terms has been growing rapidly for the last decades. The article analyses the newest vocabulary of domestic tourism appeared after 2000. The source of information is modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by E. N. Shagalova as well as Russian electronic library “eLibrary”. The authors have selected 135 words from the dictionary as tourism terms, and divide them into 5 categories depending on meaning. The article reveals etymology of many terms and comments on their Russian language meaning. All selected words and categories are shown in the table. Quantitative ratio between these groups is illustrated by the diagram. All new terms are borrowed from different languages. Once again it is proved obvious domination of English words in the borrowed vocabulary which account for more than 92 %. The authors focus attention on a few terms which are not included in the dictionary but they have appeared in the tourism vocabulary for the last 3-4 years: stakeholder and storytelling. The article names the scientists who were among the first who have applied new words in publications on tourism. The authors propose route “Green belt of Donbas’s” having a high potential forecological tourism development in urbanized areas.

tourism vocabulary, sphere of term, borrowing, explanatory dictionary, etymological dictionary
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