Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers universal technology of modeling business processes, which in modern terms represents an innovative approach for enhancing the effectiveness of the main activities of economic entities. The authors describe the benefits of a regulation of each stage of the production cycle, identify areas of savings and optimization of resources for key business processes, and define the features of the considered technology in organizations with different characteristics. The purpose of the study is adaptation of the technology of modeling business processes to the current business entity – the leading trading companies of Perm region of the "Vivat" network. Scientific novelty consists in application of the modeling techniques of business processes for comprehensive economic benefits, namely time savings, cost reduction, profit growth. Through the example of the company retail network the authors build model of business processes taking into account implementation of specialized regulations, non-regulatory trading-technological process. By checking the quality of implementation of these regulations the authors carry out the analysis of trade-technological process trade network "Vivat". As a working tool the authors apply the method of expert evaluations. The study has revealed that inexpedient costs arise from the block of the business process "Prepare and send the order". Within the framework of the research, the "Evaluations of the execution of regulations" sheet was developed and separately for each block with a certain number of parameters in the blocks, evaluation activities were carried out. The authors also note the advantages of the developed evaluation sheet. With the purpose of increasing the efficiency of business processes in the trading network, the regulations "Implementing a local markdown of goods" has been developed and implemented. As a result, the authors have revealed the expediency of applying business modeling technology, and the economic effect was achieved: a significant reduction in costs and an increase in profits. This study allows to conclude that the use of innovative approaches to improving business processes is a necessary tool to improve the quality management of businesses.

business process, trading process, rules, block trading-technological process, evaluation sheet, turnover, costs, economic efficiency, profit, enterprise
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