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Abstract (English):
The article substitutes the relevance and priority of ecological tourism development in modern world, describes the theoretical and methodological basis of indicated type of tourism, gives a brief historical review of studying problem. Authors concentrate attention on development of ecological tourism in urbanized areas. Through the example of Donetsk region (Donetsk People's Republic) – one of the most urbanized regions of the post-Soviet space – the main problems of ecological tourism development, prospects and potential opportunities for promotion of this direction in market of tourism are identified. The authors identify perspective objects of natural reserve fund for ecological tourism development in the region (using the cases of Amvrosievsky, Novoazovsky, Starobeshevsky, Shakhtersky districts and cities Gorlovka, Donetsk, Enakievo, Makeevka, Snezhnoe, Khartsyzsk), area of which is 3,7 % of common area of the region. The authors analyse the problems of using of these territories due to high population density, strong and negative anthropogenic impact. The authors calculate the quantitative indicators of security of the inhabitants of the region, which on the average is 80 m2 for one person. The specific measures for optimization and raise of efficiency of ecological tourism development in this region are proposed: zoning and monitoring of areas, ecological education and creating ecological worldview in public conscious, real and active involvement locals in tourist activity according to principles of sustainable development. The authors propose route “Green belt of Donbas’s” having a high potential for ecological tourism development in urbanized areas.

ecological tourism, environment, special protected natural areas, ecological path, sustainable development, natural resources, urbanized areas
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