Tomsk, Tomsk, Russian Federation
The paper focuses on the study of themedia image as one of the major concepts of medialinguistics, a developing fieldof modern linguistics. The multidimensional nature of this concept and its belonging to different humanitarian studies determines the topicality of its study in medialinguistics. The author attempts to study this phenomenon within a linguistic approach with the example of the media image of Siberia on the local radio («Radio Siberia»). The author reveals the main components of the media image of Siberia within the materials of the radio project«About Siberia», which includes a large amount of culturally significant information about the regions located in the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. The author uses the linguistic approach to analyze the radio texts with the purpose of revealing language means (on lexical, morphological and syntactic levels) of the studied media image.
mediaimage, radiodiscourse, radiotext, localradio, languagemeans.
Грант РФФИ 17-29-09132."Новая грамотность" в новых текстах средств массовой коммуникации
Средства массовой коммуникации формируют определенный образ социального мира, который отражается как в сознании отдельного индивида, так и целого социума.
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