The article is devoted to the study of the contexts of use of the verb “ kushat’“, which is of Slavonic origin, possessing considerable expressive and communicative flexibility. In the article is refuted the view of some modern experts, characterizing the specified word from the standpoint of subjective assessments and paying homage to the “linguistic impressionism.” The article cites a significant body of examples from the works of Russian writers of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century, clearly indicating the broad stylistic, imaginative and communicative functionality of the word “kushat’“. The reasons for prejudice towards the use of this verb are revealed. The article indicates the link between negative assessments of its semantics with the processes of evaluation rethinking of Church Slavonic vocabulary in the linguistic consciousness of the Russian people under the influence of atheistic tendencies.
linguistic taste, literary communication, semantic trends, Church Slavonicisms, atheism.
На специализированных сайтах по русскому языку и в различных СМИ сегодня широко представлены мнения экспертов и просто «ревнителей» чистоты русской речи, утверждающих: использование глагола «кушать» носит не вполне литературный характер и в большинстве случаев (особенно мужчинами) придает речи манерность, слащавость. Употребление этого слова квалифицируется как отступление от требований хорошего вкуса, как «проявление мещанства в речи» [2; 3].
1. Vinogradov V.V. Pushkin i russkij literaturnyj jazyk XIX veka [Pushkin and the Russian literary language of the XIX century]. Pushkin rodonachal’nik novoj russkoj literatury [Pushkin the founder of the new Russian literature]. Moscow, 1941, pp. 552-553.
2. Available at:
3. Available at:
4. Available at: