Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (Professor)
Russian Federation
The role of scientific communications in scientific and technological development of the country is studied in the article. It is shown that the improvement of interaction in the scientific community directly depends on increasing the efficiency of modern science. At the international level, efficiency is associated with the search for a balance of local and international participation in scientific activities, an optimal balance of fundamental and applied research, commercialization of research and development. Russian state policy in the field of science is aimed at implementing priorities, one of which is the formation of a system of scientific communications, as well as the formation of a model for international cooperation and international integration in the field of research.
scientific communications, communication process, communicative community, scientific and technological development.
Наука в современном обществе играет важную роль в различных сферах жизнедеятельности человека, в решении задач социально-экономического развития и обеспечения безопасности страны.
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