Volgograd, Russian Federation
Volgograd, Russian Federation
The article studies the problem of training of foreign specialists for foreign public health service and the role of the Russian language in the development of future specialty. It is shown that a necessary condition for the acquisition of the future profession students in medical school is interdepartmental integration. The authors studied the necessary conditions for training of foreign specialists at the Medical Higher School, among them there is a system of factors, types of learning and teaching methods and independent work. The authors found that successful inclusion in the educational process of the University is hindered with the lack of training and skills that Russian students have, and also with the inability to work with primary sources, the low level of General training received at school, at home, etc. It is noted that the acquisition of future professional roles for foreign students relates to linguistic and psycho-pedagogical problems that are not relevant for Russian students. The efficiency of t teaching foreign students in medical higher school depends on many factors, among them there is the conscious attitude of foreign students to the choice of profession, the degree of assimilation of educational material, the quality of teaching theoretical disciplines and subjects. The studies confirm that throughout training in medical school poor knowledge of the Russian language in one way or another complicates the acquisition of special knowledge and forms the stable stereotype of communicative competence complexity. The authors conclude that the successful development of a medical specialty in a foreign environment requires interdepartmental integration of the Russian language Department and the relevant departments as a necessary condition for the acquisition of high quality knowledge and skills to get future profession.
inter-departmental integration, foreign students, Russian as a foreign language, professionally oriented learning, the language of the specialty
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