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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article examines the role of dictionaries in the process of formation of linguistic, communicative, cultural, and professional competence of students of non-humanitarian specialties. The formation of lexicographical competence of students is one of the important directions of the development of linguistic, speech and General culture of a modern student. Ability to work with information, organize it, search, analyze words, and apply them depending on the situation of communication can be formed in the course of work with reference books, particularly dictionaries of the modern Russian language. In the course of the discipline "Russian language and speech culture" students not only get acquainted with different dictionaries of the Russian language, learn to work with them, but you can try your hand in the process of compiling academic reference dictionaries for their future profession. The participation in linguistic projects related to lexicographical description of professional vocabulary facilitates not only application of knowledge in practice, but can help develop the skills of work with reference books, will contribute to the awakening of cognitive activity of students, teach them how to respect heritage dictionary, lexicography in General and to its object – word. Work in self-compilation of dictionaries, reference books also expands the students ' knowledge about the language for specific purposes, facilitates the process of entering in professional communication. As examples of successfully implemented lexicographical projects the author cites the dictionaries prepared by the students of the Moscow Polytechnic University.

dictionaries of the Russian literary language, lexicography, linguistic method, projects, practice of development of learning dictionaries.
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