Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers issues of the legal status of institutions as participants in market relations; the limitation of the ability to dispose of income derived from income-generating activities; optimization of the number of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions in order to achieve the target values of the ratio of the average wage of workers in institutions and the average wage in the subjects of the Russian Federation; verification and confirmation of the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical staff of universities. A comparative analysis of the norms of labor and civil legislation regulating scientific and pedagogical activity was carried out.

extra-budgetary income of the university, civil-law contract, labor contract, right operative.

Несмотря на коммерциализацию деятельности учреждений, на вопрос можно ли считать, что государство постепенно приближает правовое положение учреждений к коммерческим организациям, пока приходится отвечать отрицательно.


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