Russian Federation
The article discusses main strategic aspects of modern corporations’ development. As a model, the model of G. Kleiner’sintrasystem space is used, which considers the mental, cultural, institutional, cognitive, technological, imitative and historical subsystems. Each subsystem includes key processes that contribute to the formation of enterprise competitiveness parameters. According to the system model, the characteristics of subsystems of industrial enterprises of the Altai Region are given. The strategic aspects of enterprise development are considered, in particular, the formation of the dynamic capabilities underlying the achievement of strategic competitiveness. A theoretical basis for the formation of the concepts “core competencies”, “dynamic abilities”, “routine” and their role in the formation of strategic landmarks is being formed. The author’s model of formation of unique dynamic abilities of an industrial enterprise and organization of an enterprise’s intrasystem space is given.
strategic competitiveness, dynamic capabilities, resource concept, organizational develop-ment, operating activities, innovative activities, scientific and technological potential.
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