Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is a schematic diagram of the hydraulic soil-thrower with connection air-charged accumulator which stores energy during overload when working bodies meeting with obstacles, while avoiding the operation of safety valves and conversion hydraulic energy into heat. Mathematical model that comprehensively describes the events taking place: the rotation and movement of the rotor soil-thrower rotor interaction with the ground and obstacles, the drive ground in space. In the method of the soil and the obstacles presented a collection of a large number (about 2000 ... 10000) spherical elements of small size, enabled communicate both among themselves and with the blades soil-thrower. The simulation is performed in three-dimensional space XYZ, where in the same elements have a spherical shape with the same diameter. With in the framework of the model developed by the working surfaces are represented as a set of elementary triangles. Rotor soil-thrower model with some degree of desensitization is represented by four rectangular blades, each of which consists of two triangles. In the process of simulation reproduced rotation of the rotor and the calculation of the interaction with the elements of triangular surfaces ground and obstacles. To solve the system of differential-social and algebraic equations, which laid the basis for the model, time-operated computer program "Program for modeling the work of forest fire soil-thrower with energy saving action hydraulic drive" program time to work in Borland Delphi environment 7.0 language Object Programming PascalIzucheny soil-thrower stage of interaction with the irresistible preption. Using the powering hydraulic system improves the uniformity of rotation of the rotor, to reduce energy costs for rotorus rotation by 12%.

soil-thrower, wildfire, soil, hydraulic drive, air-charged accumulator
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