Russian Federation
In the current conditions of socio-economic development of the first decades of the XXI century the issues of intensification of forest use and reforestation have intensified sharply. To solve them, it is proposed to significantly in-crease the intensity of silvicultural measures, mainly thinning, in which harvesting of wood is provided. Such an unambiguous solution can not be realized for two reasons. First, increasing the intensity of silvicultural activities is possible only within the permissible changes in the natural dynamics of forest ecosystems. Secondly, the application of the entire complex of intensive silvicultural activities in different regions of the country is limited by integrated forestry (transport, economic, environmental) accessibility of their implementation, taking into account the target use of forests. The proposed solution to the issues of intensification of forest use - forest reproduction is based on the creation of certain types of priority-target systems for silvicultural activities for different types of models for management modes (protection, protection, reproduction) and use of forests. They differ in the composition and intensity of activities and are applied differentially, taking into account the integrated availability of their implementation, existing conditions and limitations. Four types of priority-target systems for silvicultural activities are being developed for selected models of forest maintenance modes and forest use, including intensive priority-mono-and priority-multipurpose, traditional multipurpose and conservation-restoration ones. The establishment of models of modes of forest management and forest use is carried out on the basis of a set of silvicultural-ecological and economic criteria, including: the magnitude of the natural resource potential of forests; demand in the area of available forest resources in industry, economy, exports; integrated accessibility of the use of forest resource potential and implementation of necessary activities of certain types of silvicultural systems. Taking into account the established models of forest use, for inventory object or its parts with-in a general set of priority-target forestry management systems, certain types and variants of these systems are formed, including interrelated chains of stage and extra-stage activities by types, methods, standards, accessible and effectively implemented in specific regional and local conditions.
systems of silvicultural activities, models of forest management modes and forest use, integrated accessibility of silvicultural activities, sustainable forest management, targeted use of forests, forestry facilities, forest management, forest inventory
Введение, постановка задачи
Решение актуальных вопросов интенсификации лесопользования и лесовоспроизводства, переход к интенсивной модели ведения лесного хозяйства [1, 5] возможны только на основе системного подхода к осуществлению всех лесохозяйственных мероприятий [6, 7]. Эффективная реализация его возможна путем формирования и применения на практике приоритетно-целевых систем лесоводственных мероприятий с учетом разнообразия целевого назначения лесов [2, 4].
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2. Zheldak V. I. Ispol'zovanie sistem lesovodstvennyh meroprijatij pri lesoustrojstve [The use of systems of silvicultural activities in forest management] / V. I. Zheldak // Forestry engineering journal. - 2011. - No. 3 (27). - P. 22-40. (In Russian). DOI:; EDN:
3. Zheldak V. I. Teoreticheskiye i metodicheskiye voprosy ekologo-lesovodstvennogo obespecheniya intensivnogo i ustoychivogo lesopol'zovaniya [Theoretical and methodological issues of ecological and silvicultural support of intensive and sustainable forest management] / V. I. Zheldak // Sustainable forest management. - 2011. - No. 4 (29). - P. 7-11. (In Russian).
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