Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the program and methodology for conducting experimental studies of the dynamics of the tracked movement of loading and transport machines in the applied program package "Universal mechanism" using module "tracked vehicles". Presents the objectives of the auxiliary and the main dynamic experiments. Auxiliary experiments serve the purpose of calculation of determining the initial state of tracked loading and transport machines and training perform basic experiments. The main experiments designed to study the dynamic properties of the tracked loading-transport machines. The list of dynamic experiments including experiments on: equilibrium; the tension of the caterpillars; the calculation of initial velocities; the vertical pumping; the linear progression; the control without feedback; tests with the operator (driver). The article describes the steps which are needed to prepare a simulation model of the crawler handling machine before performing dynamic experiments. Examples are given of the parameters of the irregularities and white-the path on which will move the simulation model tracked the loading and transport machines during the experiments. Presents fragments model the motion of a tracked loading-transport machines. The proposed program and methodology for conducting experimental research, tracked loading and transport machines in the applied software package that allows the design stage to quickly conduct a number of virtual dynamic experiments with the aim of finding operating points, accelerations and loads in the various elements of the machine (primarily in the elements of cater-pillar tracks). This will make it possible in the course of virtual experiments to find the optimal parameters of construction elements tracked loading and transport machines at the design stage that will allow the prototype cars with the least modifications to work in the given natural-production conditions.

loading and transporting machine; experiment; program; modeling; method
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