Tambov, Tambov, Russian Federation
At present, the heads of organizations have come to realize that leading positions of their companies are allowed to them not only by use of high technologies, but also the personnel that is the basis of any organization. Just how much the organization's personnel is interested in accomplishing the tasks set, with what enthusiasm it starts to work and how externally it shows its attitude to the company is a manifestation of the involvement of employees. The problem of staff involvement is relevant both in research and in practical terms. Firstly, this is due to the current market development situation: many foreign and Russian companies have become aware of the importance of involving personnel and have begun to treat with particular interest the notion of involvement and factors of its formation. Secondly, this is due to the need to develop a theoretical framework for understanding the phenomenon of involvement, developing approaches, and developing methods to increase the level of involvement of employees in the organization. The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical aspects of the study of staff involvement and develop recommendations for improving the toolkit to increase the involvement of staff in the organization activities. The theoretical significance of the presented article is that the presented conclusions and conclusions formulated as a result of conducted research can find application in scientific work, studies, and scientific dissertations. The practical importance of this article consists in the possibility of using the developed recommendations on improving the toolkit to increase the involvement of personnel in the organization's activities in practice of functioning of commercial organizations with similar characteristics of personnel.
human resource management, involvement of personnel, tools of strengthening of the involvement of personnel
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