Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the directions of development of enterprises of the timber processing complex today is their modernization, which includes a complete replacement of obsolete equipment for modern high-performance, automated analogues. Obviously, at the same time, the capacity of production, the volume of output, is substantially increased, which leads to an increase in production waste. To solve the problem of their rational use, we propose to introduce a technology for the production of biofuel (fuel pellets), based on the process of crushed waste products pressing. The proposed project includes construction of a workshop for production of pellets with a capacity of 50 thousand tons per year, their packaging and storage. The description of the technological process with the identification of a number of its stages is given, the economic justification of the investment project efficiency is fulfilled, the project implementation schedule is developed, the main performance indicators are calculated and the possible risks associated with the project implementation are identified. The presented calculations testify to sufficient financial strength of the project and its financial solvency. There are two options for using the produced products. The first is generally accepted, based on the export orientation of pellets and their supply to the ever growing European market. The second one is an alternative one, envisaging construction or modernization of obsolete boiler houses and their transfer to cheaper, biologically clean wood fuel. The proposed alternative approach is aimed at solving existing problems in the field of ecology and the energy industry. The use of pellets will significantly reduce the environmental impact caused by coal or fuel oil as a fuel, and can also solve the problem of providing lower-cost energy to remote enterprises and residential areas.

waste production, pellets, investment project, technology, efficiency.
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Любое современное лесопильное предприятие представляет собой довольно многофункциональный комплекс, сочетающий в себе множество технологических операций. Как известно, для по-лучения конечного продукта, сырье подвергается сортировке, окорке, распилу и сушке, образуя при этом значительное количество отходов производства. Анализ балансов технологического сырья, показывает, что эти отходы, в зависимости, от выбранной технологии распила, составляют порядка 48-50%, все остальное – щепа, опилок и кора.


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