Voronezh, Russian Federation
Talovskiy r-n, pos. 2 uchastka Instituta im. Dokuchaeva, Voronezh, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2015 to 01.01.2020
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Research Institute of Agriculture and Chip", (Department "Kamenno-Stepnoye Experimental Forestry", Senior Researcher)
from 01.01.2020 to 01.01.2020
Talovskiy r-n, pos. 2 uchastka Instituta im. Dokuchaeva, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Khrenovskoy section of the "Special Expedition of the Forest Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property for testing and accounting of various ways and methods of forestry and water management in the steppes of Russia" is located in the south-east of the Voronezh region. In the scientific literature this territory is called the "Stone Steppe". The expedition worked here from 1892 to 1898. The first planting was carried out by O.I. Kovalev and K.E. Sobenevsky foresters. In one plantation, many trees and shrubs were tested for their suitability for afforestation in the region. Successors of foresters of "Special expedition ..." G.F. Morozov and A.N. Mikhailov finally decided on the main species, having secured this status behind English oak tree, but taking into account the new requirements for creation of forest belts, the search for the best oak companions is still continuing. Currently, in the south-east of the Central Black Earth (Voronezh region) there are more than 126 thousand hectares of protective plantations on agricultural lands located near ravine and narrows. Most of them grow without forest management; many were exposed to fire and need reforestation measures. In the Stone Steppe, experimental restoration felling has been carried out since 1933, when the forest strips were 38 years old. The last experimental regenerative felling was carried out in the 63 years old summer plantation (forest belt No. 72). The possibility of coppice resumption and creation of oak plantations on felling was tested. Cultures are not preserved because of ill-timed clarification. In the coppice stands the breed composition has changed due to the reduction of oak, which is also explained by the untimely cleaning of oak coppice. There is a perspective in the coppice stands of maple-linden plantations and in old-growth mother stands of oak-maple ones, since in all variants maple young growth is viable and is available in sufficient quantity. The article shows that despite the minimum amount of oak in the composition of the parent stand, by 122 it will begin to take the leading place. The dynamics of the species composition of the 122-year-old water-protection forest stand is considered and the analysis of the results of reforestation cuttings is carried out in different age periods of this plantation. It has been established that the parent tree stand, despite its thinness, has a considerable stock of stem wood, English oak has leading position in vitality, and European ash and black ash ; in the most part, are limited in viability, elm that prevailed during planting was the last one in the old-growth plantation.
oak, ash, vyaz, rocks, virginity of the trees, stock on 1 ha, adjustment, podlesok, forest leaves, forest buildings, piece biogrupes.
В условиях техногенеза и глобальных изменений климата возрастает роль защитных лесных насаждений в агроландшафтах. Агролесомелиоративной наукой и практикой передовых агрохозяйств доказано, что оптимальная польза от защитных лесонасаждений получается при законченной системе лесных полос. Но надо иметь в виду, что лесные полосы должны представлять собой здоровый лесной биоценоз. Они должны быть жизнеспособны. В настоящее время состояние многих лесных полос, даже средневозрастных, неудовлетворительное. Одна из причин такого явления – неудачный подбор пород при их закладке. Для узкополосных защитных насаждений положительный результат по этому вопросу получен [1]. Но для водоохранных насаждений на смытых почвах требуются дополнительные исследования, особенно если в водоохранные насаждения вводится ясень. Еще в 70-е годы прошлого столетия А.А. Шаповалов предлагал подбирать формы ясеня применительно к рельефу местности и не высаживать суходольные формы по берегам водохранилищ [2].
1. Mikhin V. I. Podbor drevesno-kustarnikovih porod dlya smesheniya s dubom chereshchatim v zaschitnih nasajdeniyah [Selection of tree and shrub species for mixing with oak leaves in protective plantations] // Scientific and technical progress in the forestry of the Central Chernozem Region: abstracts of the scientific and practical conference. - Voronezh, 1990. - P. 51-53. EDN: https://elibrary.ru/TADAHP
2. Shapovalov A. A. Ispolzovanie yasenya obiknovennogo v lesnih polosah na chernozemah Kamennoi Stepi [Usage of an ordinary ash in forest belts on chernozems of the Stone Steppe ] // Sb. articles Forest strips of the Stone steppe. - Voronezh : Central Black Earth Book Publishing House, 1967. - P. 302-307.
3. Pavlovsky E. S. Spravochnik po agrolesomeliorativnomu ustroistvu [Handbook on agroforestry equipment] / E. S. Pavlovsky, A. V. Cargan. - M. : Forest Industry, 1977. - P. 31.
4. Logutov D. P. Assortment tables for forest taxation at the root / D. P. Logutov, F. P. Moiseenko. - Kiev : Gos-stroiizdat of the Ukrainian SSR, 1959. - 686 p.
5. Klyuchnikov Yu.V. Taksacionnoe opisanie 1936 goda (prilojenie k «Opisaniyu lesonasajdenii Kamenno-stepnogo oazisa») [The taxation description of 1936 (appendix to the "Description of the Lesona-plantations of the Kamenno-steppe oasis")]. - Voronezh : Voronezh Regional Book Publishing, 1940. - 164 p.
6. Shapovalov A. A, Nasajdeniya ekspedicionnogo perioda [Plantations of the expedition period] / A. A. Shapovalov, E. S. Pavlovsky // Sat. articles Forest strips of the Stone steppe. - Voronezh : Central Black Earth Book Publishing, 1967. - P. 24-92.
7. Pavlovsky E. S. Taksacionnoe opisanie lesnih nasajdenii kamennoi stepi (1952) [A taxonomic description of forest plantations of the stone steppe (1952)] / E.S. Pavlovsky. - Voronezh, 1954. - 316 p.
8. Pavlovsky E. S. Taksacionnoe opisanie lesnih nasajdenii kamennoi stepi (1962) [A taxonomic description of forest plantations of the stone steppe (1962)] / E. S. Pavlovsky. - Voronezh : Commune, 1962. - 324 p.
9. Manaenkov A. S. Razvitie osnov stepnogo i zaschitnogo lesorazvedeniya: teoreticheskie, prikladnie aspekti i zadachi v sovremennih usloviyah [Development of the basics of steppe and protective afforestation: theoretical, applied aspects and tasks in modern conditions] / A. S. Manaenkov // Bulletin of the Volga State University of Technology. Series: Ecology. Nature management. - 2016. - № 2 (30). - P. 5-23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15350/2306-2827.2016.2.5; EDN: https://elibrary.ru/WDHHEB
10. Struck G. Wirkungen von Pflanzerland und Dungung in jungen Traubenei-chenbestanden / G. Struck, A. Dohrenbusch // Wald. - 1998. - № 15. - P. 772-775.
11. Kroll M. Pflege und Erziehungs massnahmen in Windschuts streifen / M. Kroll // Z. Landeskultur, 1968, H. 9, № 3. - S. 201-297.
12. Strobel G. Eichen - Biogruppen // Wald. - 2000. - № 8. - P. 390-398.
13. Moiseev N. A. Nauka i praktika upravleniya lesami i ego zakonodatelnogo obespecheniya [Acad. RASHN Science and practice of forest management and its legislative support ] / N. A. Moiseev // Forestry. -2011. - No. 1. - P. 7-11.