Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the introduction of risk management system in the activities of JSC Achimgaz, operating in the oil and gas sector and implementing the Project for the extraction of natural gas and condensate (hereinafter the Project). The analysis of implementation, its effectiveness within a system is discussed. According to the analysis the conclusion about the necessity of creating a unified system that integrates risk management into decision-making processes, key business processes and the culture of the organization, according to GOST ISO 31000-2010.

risk, risk management, project, oil and gas, integration, effective management, uncertainty, standard, risk management, managerial decisions.

АО «Ачимгаз» (далее — Общество) было создано 17 июля 2003 г. на паритетных началах с участием Wintershall AG (дочерней компании концерна BASF) и ООО «Газпром добыча Уренгой» (дочерней компании ПАО «Газпром») с целью разработки участка 1А Ачимовских залежей Уренгойского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения.


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