Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The essence of the risk is given, which refers to the actions or inactions of a person or a social group in conditions of uncertainty and awareness of a possible danger, as well as the knowledge that success will lead to the intended benefit, and failure to the alleged damage. The following types of risk are identified and described: justified and unjustified (adventurism), active and passive, selfless and self-serving, big and small, real and imaginary, autorisk and heterorisk. The concept of "risk threshold" is defined, which means the limit of the alleged danger, after which there is a rejection of risky actions. The correlation of the concepts "risk", "danger", "reliability" is revealed. The inevitability and progressiveness of risk in the development of new facilities and new activities is shown.

risk, types of risk, risk threshold, scale of risk, inevitability of risk, danger, reliability.

Риски существуют практически во всех сферах человеческой деятельности: в труде, сохранении здоровья, быту, личных и общественных делах, отдыхе, развлечениях, на транспорте, в спорте, бизнесе, политике, военном деле.


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