Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the work has been demonstrated the importance of the process of revealing and forecasting for existing ecological problems related to urban environment (on the example of Krasnoyarsk city). Have been considered the main sources of atmospheric air pollution. Has been argued the need for building the model for urban environment’s ecological state assessment in the context of new type of models (named H-models). In the construction of mathematical models for ecological problems solution the correct definition of variables essentially acting on considered environment’s ecological status is playing an important part. A novel way for determining of the most informative variables has been proposed. Based on presented by the authors approach to the modeling has been developed a nonparametric model for formaldehyde space distribution along city’s territory using data of atmospheric air state monitoring network. Modeling velocity allows use this method in the real-time.

environmental modeling, nonparametric modeling, informative traits, urban atmospheric air pollution.

1. Введение
В последние годы высокий уровень техногенной нагрузки и резкое ухудшение экологической обстановки в Красноярске сделали одним из приоритетных направлений оценку экологического состояния территории.


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