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Abstract (English):
The article examines the market of public catering services in St. Petersburg. The authors considers competitiveness factors actual for catering enterprises, such as menu, bar, fast and highquality service, quality of meals and drinks, finishing with the service and cleanliness of the hall, the price level, the staff, the concept and design of the restaurant, the presence of an entertainment program, PR and marketing, the availability of parking, the location of the public catering enterprise. Examples of the most successful enterprises are given. The authors identify the types of public catering establishments in St. Petersburg that are currently in high demand. The main characteristics of these types are presented. The article identifies the main problems existing at the market of public catering services, among which there are following: unstable financial and economic situation, introduction of sanctions, a decline in the tourist flow to the country, insufficient number of qualified personnel, narrow specialization of catering enterprises, increase in the number of competitive bars. The authors offer their recommendations on the solution of the identified problems: import substitution of sanctions products, training of their personnel, attracting the maximum number of tourists. In conclusion, the authors note that the competitive advantage of public catering is not something stable, constantly guaranteeing success and the flow of customers. Considering the high circulation of competitors in the restaurant market, the competitive advantage of the restaurant can easily be lost. No matter how successful and fashionable the project was at the opening, the management of the restaurant must constantly be on its toes and work on such indicators as personnel, quality, service, advertising, in order to the effective work of the institution.

public catering establishments, restaurant market, competitiveness, service
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