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Abstract (English):
The article justifies the role of self-control by transportation organizations and monitoring by tour operators and insurance companies of the behavior of drivers, their health and technical condition of vehicles. The article reveals the methodology of improving the quality of social services for the public by monitoring the behavior, health of drivers of vehicles and the technical state of vehicles in longdistance, international transport of the population (including tourists). The methodology is aimed at identifying possible dangers, discomfort in the process of providing services to the population and proactive purposeful actions to eliminate or minimize the negative consequences. The methodology contains a set of measures and recommendations that improve the quality of tourism road transportation, and allow car carriers, tour operators and travel agents significantly to reduce financial costs by avoiding traffic accidents through the fault of drivers of car carriers. The author develops and analyzes the concepts of behavior, the health status of drivers of the vehicle, the signs of their manifestation. The methodology includes recommendations for transportation organizations, tour operators (travel agents) for tests of the behavior of vehicle drivers through a «mysterious passenger». The author suggests ways to organize quality control of pre-trip medical examination of drivers. The author recommends for auto carriers introduce measures aimed at maintaining the normal technical condition of vehicles. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of implementing the methodology in the work of auto carriers, tour operators, travel agents not only in the Russian Federation, but also the host party abroad.

mysterious passenger, behavior of drivers, the health of drivers, technical serviceability of cars, tour operator, insurance company, transportation organizations (auto carriers), quality of services
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