Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of the normative and legal legislation designed to regulate the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the aspect of ensuring the economic security of this macroregion. The analysis of the main federal and regional regulations has been carried out, Arctic preferences for business and the population have been singled out and systemized in the context of individual subjects and municipal entities, which are inherently a strong basis for ensuring the economic security of the macroregion. The analysis of legislative acts regulating the development of the Arctic zone and the legal relations between its subjects showed that today there are more than 500 regulatory legal acts in force, which, however, do not form a reliable legislative basis for the sustainable development of the Arctic territories. Today, there is a need for a single normative legal act with a full list of additional preferences in relation to legal entities that carry out economic activities in the Arctic (tax breaks, certain forms of state support, etc.), as well as to individuals who live and work in the territory (benefits for residents of the Far North, as well as for the small indigenous peoples of the North).

Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, regional development, Arctic legislation, Government program; public policy framework.

К глобальным задачам устойчивого социального и экономического роста арктических территорий относится формирование соответствующих условий и их нормативное закрепление, что направлено на стабильное социальное и экономическое развитие, уменьшение территориальных различий, развитие промышленности, преодоление бедности, культурный и духовный рост коренных народов Севера с учетом их особенностей и традиций, рост уровня и доступности образования, формирование условий для увеличения продолжительности жизни и сокращения заболеваемости, обновление жилищно-коммунальной инфраструктуры и пр.


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