Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
American and European researchers started emphasizing the role and meaning not only of information but knowledge which gave rise to a whole set of new definitions for modern society, including «knowledge society», «knowledgeable society», etc. Modern market conditions require businesses to find new approaches to corporate management, planning, and control. The right choice of direction in introducing new knowledge largely predetermines efficacy of achieving stated objectives. We often see how insufficient evaluation of initial economic opportunities leads to a halt of many perspective innovations and investment projects and programs because of the lack of financial and economic resources for their completion. It is possible to avoid such situations, if at the stage of practical implementation strategy formulation, we exclude “unreachable” projects based on the low initial innovative activity of the company. The aim of this research is to formulate methodological approaches to selecting projects of new knowledge generated based on widespread investment design methods considering peculiarities of enterprises development strategy. The author offers methodological approaches to selection of results of new knowledge generation based on widespread methods of investment design and considering features of innovative development strategy. New methodological approach includes the following stages: company economic opportunities analysis; innovative ideas generation; preliminary innovation selection; presentation of innovation idea in the form of innovation project; innovation project efficacy evaluation from the point of view of investment perspectives; evaluation of innovation project efficacy from company economics point of view; multidimensional analysis of obtained quantitative evaluation with the aim of choosing the most perspective innovation projects. This paper is focused on the first stage — company economic opportunities analysis.

new knowledge, innovations, efficiency of the investment project.

Сложившиеся современные быстро изменяющиеся условия ведения хозяйствования обусловливают поиск руководством и собственниками действующих предприятий новых идей и подходов к разработке стратегий и моделей управления как на краткосрочный, так и долгосрочный период.


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