Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
The use of fixed prosthesis without preventive measures to improve the resistance of the prepared teeth is unjustified from the biological point of view. The success of prosthetic treatment of the patients with non-removable prosthesis is largely determined by a therapeutic effect on the fabric of the prepared teeth and high-quality prosthetic fixation. One of the most promising ways to solve this problem is the use of laser radiation. Investigation of laser radiation effect on the permeability of dentin and pulp of the functional state of the prepared teeth consisted of experimental and clinical stages. Experiments were carried out on 16 vital teeth of two mongrel dogs. In the experiment the influence of DO on the permeability of the dentin the prepared teeth was studied by means of the microscope. The materials for the clinical study were the results of the orthopedic treatment of 105 patients aged 21 to 60 years (55 men and 50 women). To assess the state of reactivity of the teeth and the impact of treatment measures the authors used a study of temperature, tactile sensitivity, electro-odontometry by means of the device Digitest. The study demonstrated that the use of laser radiation significantly reduces the permeability of dentin prepared teeth. The use of laser radiation reduces the permeability of 40.9% compared with the control, significantly reduced the incidence of adverse results of applying non-removable dentures.
laser radiation resistance of dental hard tissues, fixed dentures, tooth dentin permeability
Широкое распространение в стоматологической практике керамических и металлокерамических несъемных протезов основано на их положительных качествах: эстетичности, биологической индифферентности, прочности, плотном охвате шеек зубов, минимальном отрицательном воздействие на ткани пародонта [2,5].
При применении несъемных зубных протезов требуется соблюдать современные технологии препарирования, позволяющие свести к минимуму термотравму, но невозможно исключить сошлифовывание эмали и частично дентина. В результате возникает повышенная проницаемость твердых тканей и послеоперационная гиперчувствительность зубов, повышается вероятность патогенного воздействия на твердые ткани и пульпу компонентов ротовой жидкости, микроорганизмов, лекарственных препаратов, материалов для фиксации протезов [4,5].
1. Garazha SN, Grishilova EN, Kholina NG, Chochieva ZB, Morgoeva ZZ, Kashnikov PA. Vliyanie soedineniy ftora, serebra i lazernogo izlucheniya na pronitsaemost´ dentina zubov. Meditsinskiy vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. 2012;25(1):89-90. Russian.
2. Garazha SN, Grishilova EN, Domenyuk EN. Prime-nenie elektroforeza ftorida natriya i lazernogo izlucheniya dlya profilaktiki oslozhneniy pri ispol´zovanii metallokeramicheskikh protezov. Materialy KhLIII nauch.-pr. konferentsii stomatologov Stavropol´skogo kraya «Aktual´nye voprosy klinicheskoy stomatologii». Stavropol´; 2010. Russian.
3. Garazha SN, Morgoeva ZZ, Chochieva ZB, Grishilova EN, Kashnikov PA. Eksperimental´noe obosnovanie algo-ritma povysheniya rezistentnosti dentina zubov. Aktual´nye voprosy klinicheskoy stomatologii: sbornik materialov XLIV nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii stomatologov Stavropol´skogo kraya. Stavropol´; 2011. Russian.
4. Grishilova EN. Primenenie ftorsoderzhashchikh preparatov i lazernogo izlucheniya dlya povysheniya rezi-stentnosti tverdykh tkaney preparirovannykh zubov [dissertation]. Stavropol´ (Stavropol´skiy kray); 2010. Russian.
5. Grishilova EN. Kompleksnaya zashchita vital´nykh zubov, preparirovannykh pod metallokeramicheskie nes"emnye protezy. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Stavropol´skogo nauchno-issledovatel´skogo instituta zhivotnovodstva i kormoproizvodstva. 2012;3(1-1):22-3. Russian.