Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Contents and structure of bachelors training in the area of combustion and explosion theory in construction higher education institutions in the field of study 20.03.01 “Technosphere Safety” is analyzed, problems of training in this discipline are formulated taking into account features related to students training in construction higher education institutions.

technosphere safety, bachelor, combustion and explosion theory, construction higher education institutions

Учебная дисциплина «Теория горения и взрыва» была предусмотрена в качестве профессиональной дисциплины в примерной основной образовательной программе [1–3] по направлению подготовки 280700.62 «Техносферная безопасность» (бакалавриат) ФГОС ВПО [4], в частности для профиля «Инженерная защита окружающей среды».


1. Devisilov V. A., Pavlikhin G. P. Primernaya osnovnaya obrazovatel’naya programma vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya po napravleniyu 280700 «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnost’» (bakalavr) [Approximate basic educational program of higher professional education in the direction 280700 “Technospheric security” (bachelor)]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2011, I. 3, pp. 50-64. (in Russian).

2. Available at: http://fgosvo.ru/uploadfiles/poops/1/27/20120123171628.pdf (accessed 9 April 2017). (in Russian).

3. Devisilov V. A. Soderzhanie i tekhnologiya proektirovaniya vuzovskikh osnovnykh obrazovatel’nykh programm (na primere napravleniya «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnost’» [The content and technology of design of high school basic educational programs (for example, the direction “Technospheric security”]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2010, I. 5, pp. 44-57. (in Russian).

4. Pavlikhin G. P. Belov S.V Devisilov V.A Federal’nyy gosudarstvennyy obrazovatel’nyy standart vysshego arofessional’nogo obrazovaniya po napravleniyu podgotovki «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnost’» [Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Arofessional Education in the Field of Training “Technospheric Security”]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2009, I. 4, pp. 34-46. (in Russian).

5. Aleksandrov A. A., Devisilov V. A., Simakova E. N. Proekty Federal’nykh gosudarstvennykh obrazovatel’nykh standartov vysshego obrazovaniya po napravleniyu «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnost’» [Projects of Federal state educational standards of higher education in the direction “Technospheric security”]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2013, V. 2, I. 4, pp. 49-70. DOI:https://doi.org/10.12737/721. (in Russian).

6. Devisilov V. A., Simakova E. N. Aktualizatsiya obrazovatel’nykh standartov po napravleniyu «Tekhnosfernaya bezopasnost’»: proekty standartov i problemy ikh realizatsii [Actualization of educational standards in the direction of “Technospheric security”: draft standards and problems of their implementation]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. 2017, V. 6, I. 1, pp. 66-79. DOI: 10.12737/ article_59019f492dbe47.31724295. (in Russian).

7. Stroganov V. F., Gumerov T. Yu., Vil’danov I. E. Sistemnyy podkhod v podgotovke inzhenerov-ekologov pri izuchenii distsipliny “Upravlenie okhranoy okruzhayushchey sredy” [A systematic approach in the training of environmental engineers in the study of the discipline “Environmental Management”]. Izvestiya KGASU [Izvestiya KGASU]. 2012, I. 4 (22), pp. 530-534. (in Russian).

8. Stroganov V. F., Gromakov N. S. Rol’ vzaimosvyazi estestvennykh nauk i spetsdistsiplin pri podgotovke ekologicheskikh kadrov [The role of the relationship of natural sciences and special disciplines in the preparation of environmental personnel]. Izvestiya KGASU [Izvestiya KGASU]. 2013, I. 1 (23), pp. 292-296. (in Russian).

9. Sagadeev E. V., Stroganov V. F. Osobennosti i zadachi prepodavaniya distsipliny «Mediko-biologicheskie osnovy bezopasnosti zhiznedeyatel’nosti» v stroitel’nykh vuzakh [Features and tasks of teaching the discipline “Medicobiological basis of life safety” in construction universities]. Bezopasnost’ v tekhnosfere [Safety in the technosphere]. Obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennost’yu «Nauchno-izdatel’skiy tsentr INFRA-M» Publ., 2015, V. 4, I. 4, pp. 51-55. DOI:https://doi.org/10.12737/14435. (in Russian).

10. Androsov A. S., Saleev E. P. Primery i zadachi po kursu “Teoriya goreniya i vzryva” [Examples and tasks on the course “Theory of combustion and explosion”]. Moscow, Akademiya GPS MChS Rossii Publ., 2005. 86 p. (in Russian).

11. Govorov V. I., Plotnikov V. M., Karatay E. V. Teoreticheskie osnovy goreniya i vzryva [Theoretical bases of burning and explosion]. Temirtau: KGIU Publ., 2007. 89 p. (in Russian).

12. Yablokov V. A. Teoriya goreniya i vzryvov [Theory of combustion and explosions]. - N. Novgorod, NGASU Publ., 2007. 60 p. (in Russian).

13. Roshchupkin E. V. Konspekt lektsiy po distsipline “Teoriya goreniya i vzryva” [Abstract lectures on the discipline “Theory of combustion and explosion.”]. - Tula: TGU Publ., 2011. 224 p. (in Russian).

14. Zelenkin V. G., Borovik S. I., Babkin M. Yu. Teoriya goreniya i vzryva [The theory of combustion and explosion]. Chelyabinsk: YuUrGU Publ., 2011. 166 p. (in Russian).

15. Devisilov V. A., Drozdova T. I., Timofeeva S. S. Teoriya goreniya i vzryva [The theory of combustion and explosion]. - Moscow, FORUM Publ., 2012. 352 p. (in Russian).

16. Ivakhnyuk G. K., Malinin V. R., Khmeleva V. A., Polyakov A. I. Teoriya goreniya i vzryva [The theory of combustion and explosion]. St. Petersburg, SPbGTI (TU) Publ., 2013. 178 p. (in Russian).

17. Katin V. D. Teoriya goreniya i vzryva [The theory of combustion and explosion]. Khabarovsk: DVGUPS Publ., 2013. 90 p. (in Russian).

18. Karaush S. A. Teoriya goreniya i vzryva [The theory of combustion and explosion]. - Moscow, “Akademiya” Publ., 2013. 208 p. (in Russian).

19. Teoriya goreniya i vzryva [The theory of combustion and explosion]. Moscow, Yurayt Publ., 2014. 295 p. (in Russian).

20. Kukin P. P., Yushin V. V., Emel’yanov S.G., Kolesnikova T. M., Popov V. M., Protasov V. V., Severenchuk P. N., Shul’ga L. V. Teoriya goreniya i vzryva [The theory of combustion and explosion]. - Moscow, Yurayt Publ., 2014. 435 p. (in Russian).

21. Blinov E. A. Toplivo i teoriya goreniya: uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks [Fuel and the theory of combustion]. St. Petersburg, SZTU Publ., 2009. 155 p. (in Russian).

22. Belousov V. N., Smorodin S. N., Smirnova O. S. Toplivo i teoriya goreniya [Fuel and the theory of combustion]. Teoriya goreniya [The theory of combustion]. St. Petersburg, SPbGTURP Publ., 2011. 142 p. (in Russian).

23. Korol’chenko A. Ya. Protsessy goreniya i vzryva [The processes of combustion and explosion]. - Moscow, Pozhnauka Publ., 2007. 266 p. (in Russian).

24. Vodnev P. P. Teoriya goreniya i vzryva [The theory of combustion and explosion]. Ul’yanovsk: UVAU GA (I) Publ., 2010. 180 p. (in Russian).

25. Assovskiy I. G. Fizika goreniya i vnutrennyaya ballistika [Physics of Combustion and Internal Ballistics]. - Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2005. 357 p. (in Russian).

26. Gromakov N. S. Analiz soderzhaniya testa i rezul’tatov komp’yuternogo testirovaniya studentov-ekologov po kolloidnoy khimii [Analysis of the content of the test and the results of computer testing of environmental students on colloid chemistry]. Izvestiya KGASU [Izvestiya KGASU]. 2011, I. 2 (16), pp. 341-345. (in Russian).

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